May 1st thru October 31st
Monday – Thursday
6:00 am to 4:00 pm
Winter Hours:
November 1st thru April 30th
Monday – Friday
7:00 am to 3:30 pm
A Message from the Highway Superintendent, Mike Schultz:
Hello! My name is Mike Schultz and I want to thank you for opportunity of being your new Superintendent of Highways. I am a lifelong resident of Oakfield, graduate of Oakfield Alabama Central School and have worked for the Town of Oakfield Highway Department for 18 years. My wife Christine and I raised our daughters; Jennifer, Katie and Melissa in the Village of Oakfield.
I had the privilege of working under the direction of former Superintendents of Highways John Hilchey and Alan Dennis, and I have great respect for both men. Through John and Alan, I learned that a Superintendent of Highways must be dedicated to all residents. As a lifelong resident of Oakfield, I am dedicated to our community and the safety of all who live and visit here. As a father, the safety of the children and buses are of a great concern and I will ensure that our roads are well maintained for all.
Over the past eighteen years I have served our community as an MEO (Machinery Equipment Operator) for the town. I can operate all equipment and depreciation schedules for replacement of equipment. I have a working knowledge of the cemeteries, along with the Town building maintenance which includes the Library and Town Park. I was also part of the building expansion and was involved in all the site work and parking lot improvements. I am also familiar with the Highway Budget and have a working understanding of the Town Budget as a whole.
I have been an employee of the Town through the installation of eleven water districts, one of which was installed completed by Town forces using shared services. I have a strong working relationship with the Village DPW for Operation and Maintenance of our water districts. As an intricate Town employee of the 2017 Roadwork Maintenance project I understand what needs to be done to complete all roads in the town. I am proud to say I have a clean CDL record during career.
As Superintendent of Highways I strive to serve this community to the highest standard and address concerns to the best of my ability.
Contact information:
Office phone 585-948-5835 ext. 103
Cell phone 585-356-4130
Mailboxes Damaged During Snow Removal
In the course of plowing during and after significant snowstorms, our Highway Department receives phone calls regarding damage to mailboxes, either from snowplows directly or from the force of snow being thrown by the plows. If such damage is indeed caused by snow removal, it is not done intentionally but is an unfortunate consequence of snow removal.
As far as replacing damaged mailboxes, it must be pointed out that there is no statutory or legal authority which grants a property owner or resident along a public highway any right to place a mailbox in a highway right-of-way. The mailbox is on town or county right of way as a courtesy to the postal service.
Thus, when the necessity of keeping the highway open conflicts with the individual’s reception of the mail, the latter must stand aside. The owner might even be compelled to remove the box under Highway Law #319.
From past experiences, we have found that plastic mailboxes do not withstand the abuse of snow from the plows hitting them and are not recommended.
As a courtesy, the Highway Department will place a temporary box so that a resident can receive mail if their box is damaged by the plow. We will not replace a fancy mailbox or post.
Mailbox posts with fancy supports are not recommended as they stick down under the box and give the wing plow something to get hold of. A box mounted directly on top of a treated 4 x 4 is best.
The town contracts the county for snow and ice control on all county roads along with roadside mowing three times a year.